He Who Knows More, Can Do More
RadICS Platform Receives US Certification
03.08.2019Employees of PC “RPC Radiy” participated in the 14th International Conference DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2019, held on July 2-5, 2019 in Brunow, Poland. Radics LLC, RPC Radiy’s subsidiary, has been the main industrial partner of the conference for many years, and this year, DepCoS has celebrated its 42nd anniversary. The conference is known for high-quality publications, and a platform for exchange of ideas and opinions on topics related to the issues of functional and information security of computer systems. Proceedings of the conference are published in the publishing house Springer, a series of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.
This year, Radics LLC employees presented results of a scientific research related to the development of models for evaluating the reliability and safety of I&C on RadICS platform. Moreover, RadICS team provided a report on “Modelling and Safety Assessment of Programmable Platform-Based Information and Control Systems”. The report contained information about the company PC “RPC Radiy” and Radics LLC), as well as a description of reliability models used in assessing reliability of the I&C on RadICS platform with regard to hidden failures of programmable components of the platform.