Witness Testing for RadICS Newly-Developed Modules
Radics successfully passed the ISO 9001:2015 quality management audit
29.09.2020Despite Coronavirus disrupting life across the world, Radics has continued to work intensively on finalizing existing projects and launching new ones.
With a strategic vision for the future, Radiy and Radics are moving forward with developing the safest platform with maximum functionality to be used as an effective I&C solution for both nuclear plant modernizations and new builds.
The six-module digital RadICS Platform Topical Report was approved by the US NRC on July 31, 2019 and on April 17, 2020, Radics submitted “Supplement to the RadlCS Digital Instrumentation and Control (l&C) Platform Topical Report,” for NRC review.
The RadICS Platform Topical Report was revised to reflect the addition of three new modules: Wide Range Analog Inputs Module (WAIM), Resistance Temperature Detector Inputs Module (RIM), and Thermocouple Inputs Module (TIM). New cable assemblies and interface protection modules were also added to the list of qualified platform components.
The NRC staff accepted the RadICS Topical Report Supplement and the 9-module digital RadICS Platform configuration can now be used in safety-related systems at nuclear power plants. The RadICS Platform can be configured to produce protection and safety system applications (such as reactor trip systems and engineered safety features actuation systems) to ensure the reliable and safe operation of nuclear facilities.